Divisions FAQ

Page Name

In order for a petition to be accepted, it must meet the following criteria.

  • If it is a paper or PDF submittal, a notarized signature is required from all parties to the division. The notarized submitter signature spot is to be completed by the person who prepared the petition and they must be available to be contacted if necessary.
  • The second sentence on the first page has a blank space where the petitioner must write in the number of new parcels desired as a result of the division.
  • The form has signature spots for 5 new tract owners. If more is necessary you can duplicate page 2 and change the tract numbers below the signature.

What other documents do I need to submit for an Individual Condominium Owner Appeal?

If you elect to file as an individual unit owner, the following information should accompany your appeal:

  1. The closing statement if the unit has been sold within the last five years;
  2. A copy of the local municipality’s occupancy permit if the unit is newly constructed or converted;
  3. The percentage of ownership of the individual unit, and if presented, the percentage of ownership of comparables.