Divisions FAQ

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What is the Cook County Assessor's policy for filing appeals?

It is the policy of the Cook County Assessor to assess all real property in a fair and uniform manner consistent with the legal responsibility placed on the Office of the Assessor. It is also our policy to provide everyone equal access to the remedies afforded by the appeal process. In accordance with these policies, the Office of the Assessor shall provide experienced personnel to assist property owners who want to appeal their assessed valuations.

What is an appeal?

Your appeal is about your property's assessed value. Your property's assessed value is based on the Assessor's estimate of your property's fair market value. In Cook County, your Class 2 residential property is assessed at 10 percent of its estimated property value. The estimated property value is determined by analyzing sales information of similar homes in your area. For example, an estimated property value of $100,000 would calculate to an assessed valuation of $10,000.