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Property Details

2528 S 27TH AVE ● BROADVIEW, IL ● Proviso

Tax Details

Property Classification 593
Square Footage (Land) 58,200
Neighborhood 30
Taxcode 31039
Next Scheduled Reassessment 2023

Assessed Valuation

2020 Assessor Certified values include adjustments, where applicable, for COVID-19 effects on property.
2024 Assessor Valuation 2023
Board of Review Certified
Total Estimated Market Value $1,294,200 $1,294,200
Total Assessed Value $323,550 $323,550
Land Assessed Value $116,400 $116,400
Building Assessed Value $207,150 $207,150
* “Property Location” is not a legal/postal mailing address. Its sole purpose is to help our Office locate the property. Therefore, you should not utilize the property location for any purpose, however, you may update the Property Location with your Legal/Postal Mailing Address should you choose to do so. Updating the address will not change the Property Location to a Legal/Postal Mailing Address.
** Information may be available by submitting an FOIA Request

Exemption Status

Year Exemption type and amount

Exemption History


Description Industrial
Age **
Building Square Footage **
Assessment Phase Assessor Valuation
1 Excluded from building square footage, except apartment
2 Excluded from building square footage
* “Property Location” is not a legal/postal mailing address. Its sole purpose is to help our Office locate the property. Therefore, you should not utilize the property location for any purpose, however, you may update the Property Location with your Legal/Postal Mailing Address should you choose to do so. Updating the address will not change the Property Location to a Legal/Postal Mailing Address.
** Information may be available by submitting an FOIA Request